Welcome, I am Gray Crawford a consulting astrologer and educator. I am a regular presenter at leading astrology conferences, including the United Astrology Conference (UAC), the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR), and the Northwest Astrological Conference (NORWAC) and am currently on the faculty of Kepler College. I frequently contribute as a guest on various astrology podcasts and have been providing complimentary bi-monthly lunation forecasts since 2013. I also have a Patreon through which I run monthly Fixed Star classes as well as a salon which I host an open discussion on astrology- such as current transits.


New Moon in Taurus

New Moon in Taurus “. . . Inside the stone like heart of man is a fire which burns up the veil, root and branch; / When the veil is burnt he discovers all the stories of Khidr and the knowledge from us. / Between the soul and the heart appears new and ever new…

Full Moon in Scorpio

Full Moon in Scorpio Scorpio is the fall of the Moon, watery zodiacal terrain where the Moon is symbolically brought low into a terrestrial depression. Yet this lunar depression holds impressions of immense dimensions. The insights received within the chthonic depths of Scorpio can make us feel uncomfortable with their uncompromising perception. The Moon full…


I offer three types of readings via Zoom, which are recorded for your future reference. These include: General Astrology Consultation, Fixed Stars Consultation, and Zodiacal Releasing Consultation. You can easily book any of these sessions through my scheduler:

I also offer Horary Consultation which is available via my consultation page


By supporting me on Patreon with a monthly subscription you will enable me to not only continue providing the work I have been doing for free, but to also expand the scope of what I am offering. Join for access to the Salons – an active learning community – every month via Zoom